More information

Pat is currently in the ICU at DePaul and her condition has not improved much, if at all. It appears she had a seizure today, I was the one that caught it.

We have never heard of her having a seizure, however she was on anti-seizure medications, apparently she hasn’t been on any of her list of regular medications since she was admitted. That has now been rectified.

Thanks for your support,




Posted in Pat

Pat is back in the hospital

Pat went to the ER today and we fully expect her to be admitted.

She was not eating, and not taking her meds when given, which prompted the facility to call me and request a trip to the ER, which I quickly agreed to.

Preliminary diagnosis via CT scan, is that the tumor is growing, but their reference is quite old (February) , so this needs confirmation and an MRI. Of more importance is the discovery that she has a rather bad urinary tract infection, which may account for her current condition.

Thanks for all you support,







Posted in Pat

I’m Guilty .. over a month since last post

Pat has slowed down a bit. Probably during the last 3 weeks. We are all scratching our heads and wondering if it is disease progression , or something else.

We still walk, we still hug, but vocalization has turned a bit. She still writes.

I always hate posting anything but good news, and this is not necessarily bad news.

Thanks for your support,





Posted in Pat

Pat keeps doing little, amazing, stuff

 Pat had chemo on Friday, afterwards Physical Therapy and I walk her about 400ft, I held her, they followed with a wheel chair. I had the biggest smile on my face.


Today , Mom and Dad walked in and found her scribbling on a napkin, but it was writing, not scribbling. Dad ran out to Walmart and bought a notepad and pen for her. I wasn’t there, but what ensued is evidenced below.


 Although, not readable, working on words, and writing in her handwriting …




Thanks for your support,


Just Another Sunday

Hi all,

Pat is stable, and today I went to the home and bundled her into her car (Scion XB), and we went for a little tour. First, to see Mom and Dad, car side visit at their house, then over to our home. At our home, I brought Chuy and Sammy out to say hi to Pat in the car. Then we stopped at McDonald’s, where I picked up my lunch, and an ice cream cone in a cup for Pat. The last stop was to a 7-11 to pick up the paper for Pat, and finally back to the home, where we ate lunch, hers prepared by the home, mine from McD’s

It has been about 4 months since she had been out in her car, and since she has been able to move around more, easier to get out her chair, it was time.

I also put a suction cup affixed bird feeder on Pat’s room window, she loved her birds, so hopefully some will stop by 🙂

I thank all of you that came and visited Pat this week, again, thank you.

I have received feedback from Duke on Pat’s MRI results, the tumor is advancing, but very slowly. She will be put on another chemo drug. I expected this, and I am very happy that it is advancing “very slowly”.

Thanks for all your support,




Posted in Pat

Grief… Do you ever post?

Yes, I know it has been a while

Not making excuses, but my job has been in turmoil. This has not affected Pat, she is doing great. What do I mean?

Well here is a small list

  1. Really wakened up over the last few weeks
  2. More vocal
  3. More self awareness
  4. More curiosity
  5. Feeding herself
  6. Reading magazines
  7. Back in physical therapy and walking (assisted)

Pat , in the last month, has shown some really good progress. Last week we went to have her long awaited MRI done (locally) along with shunt adjustment, the former cannot be performed without the later, which has been a difficult road.

On this day I have no idea on the findings of the MRI, I will soon.

There are probably many things I have omitted , please visit Pat.

Thanks to all,






So how is Pat?

Doing better, actually a lot better.

I know It has been a while since my last post. Pat went through a downturn, and seemed to be stuck in it. But about a week and half ago, she seemed a little brighter, talking a bit more. It only got better last weekend , as she started talking even more and showing more physical motion, and she had visitors it was a good weekend. Then she went into slump, on Monday and Tuesday of this week, being very tired, and sleeping most of the time..

And now, I hate to jinx what is going on, but….

Over the last 2 days, Pat has become more aware than since we had to make the emergency run to Duke at the end of June last year. She is awake, talking, moving around.  We are all kind of stunned on what is happening. She still has large confusion and coordination issues, but is brighter and communicative, responding to questions, laughing, and can repeat what she said when asked. These are all new developments.

I’m hopeful she continues to progress, even with her prognosis. Please, if you have visited her, continue, if you haven’t, fee free to.

Thanks for all of your support,





March 16th

HI all,

Well Pat has had a rough few weeks since her bout of pneumonia and her hospital stay. She has also been suffering from some GI issues. She is very weak, and tends to fall asleep after she gets her meds in the morning. We are hoping that this will pass soon.

Thanks for all your support,




Recent Event

Hi all,

Some not so good news

My parents arrived at the facility yesterday to find Pat, slumped in her chair in a common room. When brought back to her room, she seemed in difficulty and non-responsive. When I arrived, her blood pressure was up, and she had a fever, and she was trembling. She was brought to the DePaul Hospital via ambulance, to the ER. After numerous tests, she was admitted.

This morning she seems somewhat better, however still sleeping most of the time and not being communicative or showing comprehension. Current diagnosis is pneumonia, but with all the factors that Pat is fighting that may not be the final diagnosis, however, we are crossing our fingers.

Thanks for all your support,
