More information

Pat is currently in the ICU at DePaul and her condition has not improved much, if at all. It appears she had a seizure today, I was the one that caught it.

We have never heard of her having a seizure, however she was on anti-seizure medications, apparently she hasn’t been on any of her list of regular medications since she was admitted. That has now been rectified.

Thanks for your support,




7 thoughts on “More information

  1. Scott jsut to let you know that everybody is asking after Pat and much as it would seem good to visit our last visit depressed us so much that I have not encouraged them to do so. Not out of lack of love but it is not the way Pat should be remembered. We feel for you and your parents have been simply outstanding. Blog frequently to update us with changes

    • I will have to agree, this is not the time to visit, she is in a clinical condition that could make a lot of her friends uncomfortable. I am going to add, that this may be the end of the journey that she has been on. I always hope it is not, but I need to make sure she is comfortable. This is a tough time.

      Thanks for your support,


  2. Scott, Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you and Pat every day. Keep the strength and let us know if there is anything we can do.

    Love you,

    Jamie & Carol

  3. Scott, We were saddened to hear of Pat’s condition. If there is anything we can do, please don’t hesitate to call on us. You are both in our thoughts and prayers daily.


    Linda & Dan

  4. So sorry to read this. Pat has put up such a valiant fight for over a year. I always hoped that she would be the recipient of a miracle.


  5. Scott, I am sorry to read the news of Pat. My heart goes out to both of you. You both are in my heart and thoughts everyday. Vija

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