Just Another Sunday

Hi all,

Pat is stable, and today I went to the home and bundled her into her car (Scion XB), and we went for a little tour. First, to see Mom and Dad, car side visit at their house, then over to our home. At our home, I brought Chuy and Sammy out to say hi to Pat in the car. Then we stopped at McDonald’s, where I picked up my lunch, and an ice cream cone in a cup for Pat. The last stop was to a 7-11 to pick up the paper for Pat, and finally back to the home, where we ate lunch, hers prepared by the home, mine from McD’s

It has been about 4 months since she had been out in her car, and since she has been able to move around more, easier to get out her chair, it was time.

I also put a suction cup affixed bird feeder on Pat’s room window, she loved her birds, so hopefully some will stop by 🙂

I thank all of you that came and visited Pat this week, again, thank you.

I have received feedback from Duke on Pat’s MRI results, the tumor is advancing, but very slowly. She will be put on another chemo drug. I expected this, and I am very happy that it is advancing “very slowly”.

Thanks for all your support,




2 thoughts on “Just Another Sunday

  1. Thanks for the update Scott! When we saw Pat yesterday we were happily surprised to see her reading the paper! She was really concentrating! She seemed a bit tired and no wonder after the day she had! Great to hear she got to see the pups and the house! Will keep in touch! Susan is there at least twice a week and I work on getting there at least once! Gotta love her! Thanks and take care! XOXOX

  2. Sounds great, although I can’t believe you ate McD’s while she had to eat the same old home food, haha. Glad she had a chance to see Chuy and Sammy – bet they were just as happy to see her. 🙂

    Sorry to hear that the tumor is advancing but good news about it’s slow rate of growth. Hope the chemo kicks in and doesn’t drag her down too much.

    Hope to make another visit soon! I’m going home to MI this weekend but will make plans for a visit when I return. Hugs to all!

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