NEWs..Pat is back in town

The eagle has landed… Pat is back in town. (Norfolk)
She made the 4 hr drive yesterday from Durham NC, without incident in Mom and Dad’s Honda Odyssey amidst all her stuff, and those of my parents, a loaded van.  I once again, can’t express the help my parents have given, awesome.  
Upon her arrival she was set upon by the staff for evaluation (nursing, PT.. etc) … and I was impressed by the depth and attention they gave.
Today (Tuesday), We all visited her, and she is already making big strides, it looks like this facility is more focused on rehabilitation and push it. All things are looking up!
Pat will be going for another treatment locally on Friday with our local oncologist. I intend to drive her in her car, the little Scion XB, which is lower and easier to get in and out off.
On side note, I thought her room TV to be a little small, so picked her up a 32″ LCD, now I just have to teach her the remote, which even I have a hard time seeing 🙂
Thanks for your support,

7 thoughts on “NEWs..Pat is back in town

  1. Hurray! So glad to hear that Pat is back home! Please tell her hello and that we are sending her a big welcome hug!

  2. Awesome news~~~Been thinking about calling to see how it went~~~~!! So glad Pat’s back!! Keep in touch!!! Love you guys!

  3. So glad Pat is home for the holidays! Our love to both of you!
    And also to your awesome parents!

  4. That is FANTASTIC NEWS! And so glad to hear she is not only in own stomping grounds but being well taken care of as well. Give her a hug for us.

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