What’s up?

Hi All, here is the game plan.

Pat will be leaving North Carolina tomorrow (Dec 10th) , for the 4 hr drive back to Norfolk, a passenger in my parent’s van. She will arrive at a local facility where I will meet her. All of her meds and appointments are theoretically set (everything can, however, change ).

I’m not going to give out the location until she has had a chance to settle.  I know there are a lot of you that want to go visit, please have a little patience, it won’t be long.

The pups may comming home as early as next week :), and I do miss em, and I will bring them to see Pat.

The goal, is to transition Pat, from the local facility, back to our house. This will probably start with short term visits to the house. I don’t have a schedule for how long that will take, most of it depends on Pat and her progress.

Thanks for all your support,




10 thoughts on “What’s up?

  1. Oh yeah,
    Jamie I may need your back and elbow grease (of course comments as well), as I will probably need to build a ramp to the front door. Good news… I have my nail guns, and a preliminary design. Bad news.. you know I never commit those to paper 🙂

  2. That is wonderful news. We are so happy for you both. Please give her our love and let us know if there is anything we can do.

    Much love, Bill and Marilyn

  3. Fantastic news..wonderful Christmas present. Imagine you are on your way as I write this. Pat has certainly been a fighter over the last 6 months along with your help and your parents help.

  4. Pups? What pups? Haven’t seen ’em… 😉

    Please let us know if you need help with the ramp – Mike is handy with that sort of thing.

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