Pat finished radiation

Pat had her final radiation treatment on Thursday September 27th !

I arrived in Durham on Friday, and at the home, Pat was doing quite well, she was acknowledging, responding to questions , and smiling at jokes. Physical therapy came by and I convinced them that Pat could stand up. So we got her to sit on the edge of the bed for a while, then gently pulled her onto her feet, and she was up. We probably stood there for 5 to 10 minutes, and I got a hug :). This was all in an effort to convince them that she could be put in a wheelchair and wheeled about. PT gave her a wheelchair, but then I was informed that she wouldn’t be able to leave the room because she was still under contact precautions. Long story short, that was changed so that she would be allowed to leave her room as long as she stays 6 ft away from anyone else.

On Saturday, Pat had a small fever in the morning and also got sick. I think that pretty much ruined the day for her, as she slept for the rest of it. That was OK, it was a dark, dismal, rainy day in Durham, a good time to catch some ZZZzzzs.

Sunday (Today) , she was awake and responding well when I got to her room. I fed her breakfast, but shortly thereafter they came in to clean her, and when they rolled her onto her side, she got sick, so much for breakfast. Then she pretty much didn’t want to do anything else, and went to sleep. I woke her up at 12:30, and fed her a little lunch, we watched a little TV, but she was tired, and nodded off again. Now it’s 1:30 PM and she still asleep, and I’m hoping my typing doesn’t wake her up.

I was hoping I would be able to get her into the wheelchair today, but that doesn’t look likely.

Thanks for all your support,



9 thoughts on “Pat finished radiation

  1. Great to hear from you Scott. I was thinking about ya’all this am and was wondering if everything was Ok since hadn’t seen an update in awhile. Glad Pat is over the radiation and prayers that she continues to improve with each day 🙂 Hugs Jack & Di

  2. What’s the next step now that radiation is done – chemotherapy? Any chance that she will move back to Norfolk soon? Give our love and hugs from all of us. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

    Bill, Marilyn, and Rebecca

    • Hi.

      Right now we need Pat to improve a bit, so we can transition her to a place in Norfolk. She does a have a couple more appointments here in Durham in the next few weeks, so it doesn’t make sense to transfer her yet. It’s also becomming difficult to find a suitable place for her. Her status disqualifies her from some rehab facilities (They typically need the patient to be able to stand and feed themselves, I think we can get by the standing one, but the feeding is another issue) . Also, it appears that a lot of the facilities are semi-private rooms, she is in a a private room now, I would hate to put her in a room with someone else.

      As far as chemo, that was discontinued a few weeks back due to the infections. There may be more in the future, but she does not need to be in Durham for that.


  3. This afternoon, Fin and Jim and I were heading to the dog park and, out of the blue, Fin asked me how Miss Pat was doing. She said, “She was our first greyhound friend, I like her.”

    Sending “Miss Pat” our best!

  4. Scott, like everyone else we think about you and Pat and your parents often. Glad to hear the chemo is done for now and hoping Pat’s tummy feels better very soon. Also hoping you and your parents are taking time to take care of yourselves. Terri and Marida

  5. Was just thinking about Pat a lot today. Thought I’d stop in and post a hello.
    Love and hugs from me and the pups.

  6. Hi Scott,
    All of Pat’s family in the UK have been thinking of her and wishing her all the best of our love. I’m over here in Newport News at the moment and don’t want to intrude but would Pat be up for a visit this weekend do you think?
    I would love to see her.
    My email is


  7. Hi Dave,

    I wish it were possible, but Pat is still in North Carolina, roughly a 4 hr drive. I will be heading down there in the morning. I am sorry we could not meet..


  8. Hi Scott,
    Not a problem I fully understand, although the drive to Durham would not be an issue. Please give Pat my love and love from all the Hodders in the UK. Tell her we are thinking of her.

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