Pat is out of the hospital

Pat was released to the nursing facility this morning. She was wide awake and managed to say a few words (“good morning” , “OK”) , she was also able to nod her head in the affirmative when asked a few questions. This is marked improvement from yesterday and the day before that :). They just fed her lunch, and she ate all of it, then slowly fell asleep. Already a long day for her.

She started her radiation and chemo on Thursday, there have been no observable side effects, such a as nausea, at this point. So far so good 🙂

Thanks for your support,




11 thoughts on “Pat is out of the hospital

  1. Hi Scott! Great to hear good news here. We think of you all every day. Take care and please give Pat a kiss for us.

    Love you both!!!

  2. Good to hear that progress is being made. Hopefully, smooth sailing from here on. .

  3. This is wonderful news. Glad for the positive progress. Thoughts and hugs still heading your way!

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