Another set back

Well, Pat has not been responding to input for the last 2 days, other than small things, and doesn’t want to eat. Today she was transported for herĀ radiation oncology appointment. The doctors evaluated here and she was sent to emergency at Duke.

My parents were\are there and they will be admitting her back into the hospital. So far what we know is that rather than having low blow sodium, she now has high sodium (170).

Good news is that she is inĀ  good spot and hopefully will bounce through this.

Thanks for you support,



9 thoughts on “Another set back

    • Thanks Kim, you may want to tell Mickey to hold off sending any cards until we find out what is next.

    • Indeed she is!. Looks like they will put her in the ICU to bring down her sodium slowly. She had been on water restriction, so, that has probably contributed to the current event.

  1. Been thinking of Pat all day today and came to check the blog. Sorry to hear of another bump in the road. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thinking about you guys! Is there anything you need in Norfolk? I am in town until the 11th and happy to help in any way.

  3. I was just thinking about Pat and am sorry to hear about this latest setback. By the way, your parents rock!

  4. It is way past time for Pat to receive a break. So sorry to read about the latest set back.

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