Even Better Today, and what’s next?

She was even better today, I arrived in her room to find her sitting in a chair. The nurse informed me that she had even walked a little bit. She also had eaten all her breakfast herself, without being fed.

We had small conversations and she appeared to be understanding most of it. We had a conversation about her catheter and stupid me thought that I need to explain what it was. She quickly jumped in and said “I know what a catheter is ” .  I also explained to her what the current plan is for her treatment.

What’s next?

The current plan is for her to be released from the hospital to a rehab facility. In the rehab facility she will be transported for her appointments with oncology to have her radiation and chemo. She will be in Durham for around 8 weeks starting next week, but that is an estimate.

We don’t expect her to be in rehab the whole time (maybe a week or 2), when they are satisfied, we will bring her to the hotel, and we will transport her to her treatments from there.

We elected to have the radiation treatments done at Duke due to the proximity of the hospital and doctors who know her case, also to get her started as soon as possible. Another reason is that she can’t do a part at Duke and a part at Norfolk,  all the radiation must be done at one facility due to variations in equipment, so if she should have to go back to Duke in case of an emergency , the radiation treatment would have to be restarted.

I plan to return to Norfolk and commute on weekends as needed. My parents will be here in Durham for the duration.

Thanks again for your support,




16 thoughts on “Even Better Today, and what’s next?

  1. Nothing is easy! I am much more mobile these days and have no hard and fast obligations, given that, please let me know if you need any help at the house, just call. Vija

  2. Thanks Vija 🙂

    In the grand scheme of things it won’t be that long till she is home

  3. Good news….I can just hear Pat telling you that she knows what a catheter is. So glad she is doing better. We send our love and prayers…

    Claudette and Bob.

  4. Hi Scott, what a relief. Praise God! Can we send Pat cards and flowers to the rehab center? Please give her our love.

    • Soon as she is there I will. Please note that we hope she won’t be there long, we are hopingh to move her to the hotel we are staying at. Which is quite nice.

  5. So good to hear that Pat is moving forward again! I’m laughing about the catheter conversation because I can just picture it. Duh, Scott. LOL! Hugs to you both, and kisses and snorts from the pups.

  6. I am SO happy to see this update. I’ve never met your parents, but I would like to give them a big hug. Pat is in such good hands with you all.

  7. Hi Scott, It’s so greyt to hear that Pat is showing signs of improvement. You both continue in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Please give Pat a (((hug))) from Steph and her pack.

  8. Hi Scott and Pat,
    We are having a Friday night dinner and thinking of you. We wish u were here with us.
    We would love to be able to send a card or two, can you send us an address so we can send some treats?
    Jinny et al

    • Hi guys,

      Soon as Pat stabilizes in a location, I will. She will eventually be back at this hotel (where I am).

  9. Was thinking of you this morning and I’m hoping you’re having a good day.

  10. Good morning Little Pat, sending you love and healing light . We miss you so much. Hope each day is better than the onr before.
    Scott, You are also in our hearts, take care of yourself!
    We love you both, Mike and Smartin

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