
Pat seems better when I arrive in the morning, being able to mouth a few words. However she still goes into deep type sleeps with some tremors. They moved her to a room where the EEG can be monitored constantly.  She has been missing some meals as we are unable to feed her when she is the sleep state.

On a good note, I received a call from Sentara Norfolk General, and they have her rings 🙂




8 thoughts on “Update

  1. It is always nice to hear good news! Sounds like the right direction! Thanks for the update and we thonk of you both everyday.

  2. Thanks Scott for the update. I’m so glad to hear she is doing a bit better. Marida and I have you and Pat in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. When I saw Dr. Vinik last week, he told me Pat’s news.
    Today Nancy gave me the blog information. I am so sad to hear of this journey you, Pat, and your families are on. I can only feel that Duke is the right place for now. Please know that Bob and I have both of you in our prayers and hearts. Pat is still as tall to me as she was twelve years ago. Love to you both,

  4. Hope weather in NC is cooler than here. GR8 news about rings. Give Pat lots of hugs and kisses from me. Miss you both but I know you are where you need to be right now! K

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