A time for a little humor

We had some friends stop by today (Jamie and Carol) , and I recounted a small incident in the ICU the day after Pat’s surgery. It goes something like this ……

<flash back, flash back>

Pat had just been delivered her lunch (I will at some point tell you that Duke is great , the food however… err… no).

On the plate were some recognizable food items… Turkey, gravy, some mashed potatoes, some greens (assumption).. and…

Something yellow.. with the twice the consistency of the gravy.. with a slight scent of thyme…yet the substance had no recognizable structure.

At this time one of the MD’s or PA’s walked to check on Pat’s status. This involves pointing at various things…clock , pen , etc to see if Pat recognizes the item.. and she passes flawlessly on the known items.. except one.

The tester points at the yellow goop on Pat’s plate.. and asks “what is that?” … Pat promptly replies ” I don’t know” …  but I think she passes anyway. Shortly after I  tell the nurse that the test was not fair, as I cannot identify the food stuff either. She responds with ” I have no idea what it is either” (expletive removed for younger audiences).

We determine it is stuffing , we think.

For future reference, be wary of yellow goop, and Pat did not eat it.

(soylent green theorists please keep quiet)






3 thoughts on “A time for a little humor

  1. Who doesn’t love a little yellow goop?? Where’s the sense of adventure.

    Thinking of you today! Hope all goes well. *HUGS*

  2. Hi Scott & Pat –

    We are following your stories and progress wishing you well with every small step! Hope to get down to ORF to see you and everyone else at some point this summer. Nance promised to get everyone together – it’s been too long.
    Thinking of you guys!!
    JPM 🙂

  3. Hi Pat,

    We missed seeing you at the Meet and Greet today. Lots of pups came this morning and many more this afternoon still there! I hope you are feeling better soon and just wanted you to know how much we missed you and Sammy and Chuey.


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