More Information

A little more info.

During the last week at Duke, we were informed that Pat does have a grade 4 Glioma. I won’t go into details, feel free to research on your own. The good news is that the oncologists and everyone else were amazed on how much was removed.  We learned a lot in the session with the oncologist, which was more of a teaching session.

Basically, Pat will be undergoing radiation and chemotherapy in Norfolk under the guidance of the oncologists at Duke. Thanks once again goes to friends for helping set this up. My parents are in town and we are working out support options for Pat.

At the oncologist, Pat fell on her way to the elevator, unfortunately I was not around (stupid me, ran to put stuff in the truck and trusted she could make it to another area OK). She is OK, but she did bump the back of her head.

She was a little tired yesterday (Friday), after we got home from Duke, however today she is up and seemingly OK, My parents brought us lunch and we went looking for a place for them to rent nearby.

Once again, thanks to all.







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