Well, yesterday was a good day, today not so much

I should have mentioned a long time ago, that we had been informed early on that Pat would have good and bad days, and for those of you who have followed the blog, you already know that she does have both. Today was not such a good day.

Today she recognized my presence when I came in, mouthed a few words, but was very sleepy. They took her for an MRI a little later and when next I saw her she was fast asleep. When they tried to waken her, it took a lot of effort, and she really did not respond to verbal commands.  She did eventually say “OK”, but that was pretty much it.

Unrelated to her condition, I had an impromptu meeting with the neuro-oncologist to discuss plans for chemo and radiation. Although, no definite schedule has been set forth at this minute, everyone is gearing up for the next stage.

Thanks for all your support.





4 thoughts on “Well, yesterday was a good day, today not so much

  1. Some of you may have noticed a post that slipped ahead of this one.. something about “us” being home, it was a glitch. An older post rose up to the top. “We” are not at home. Sorry for any confusion. The post has been replaced

  2. Chuy and Sammy send hugs and kisses! Chuy is talking to me right now; I think he wants to say hi. 🙂

    • No, 🙂 he wants one of the following, usually in order.
      1. Go Outside
      2. Treat
      3. Dinner
      4. Play / Attention

      Grin I’m back home for a few days.

      • Aren’t #1 and #2 usually combined?? At that time, I think it was 1 + 2 + 5 (bed). LOL

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